An Ode to Costco

Costco, you may annoy the crap out of me at times with your slow moving minivans, hordes of shoppers, and shrieking children, but I just can’t quit you. For me, a small twinge of excitement precedes each Costco trip. This tells me that my love will endure, no matter how many times a tiny yet fiercely determined elderly woman rams my ankle with her cart en route to the pretzel dog sample station.

I definitely have my issues with car culture and rampant consumerism, which obviously makes me a bit conflicted about Costco and its big box ilk. However, as a native Arizonan I learned to drive on AZ’s broad, gridlike streets in AZ’s broad, gridlike, parking lot dominated cities. Parallel parking isn’t really a thing there; I wasn’t even required to parallel park in order to receive my driver’s license. Hence, I cannot deny that I do love me a parking lot. And not some Trader Joe’s parking garage of death bullshit: a good parking lot = wide lanes, wide spaces, two-way traffic allowed everywhere at all times. Costco’s parking lot, though admittedly road rage inducing at times, delivers.

Now that is what I call a parking space

Now that is what I call a parking space

In addition to the parking lot and the obvious shit like paper products and cheap liquor, a brief list of glorious things to be found and experienced at Costco:

Samples: OK this is obvious, but Costco’s sample bounty is amazing and I have to call it out. You can easily make a lunch of samples, if you aren’t trying to save room for pizza, fro yo, or the ever-mysterious Chicken Bake offered up for cheap at the Costco Café/Chez Costco/whatever it’s called. Insider tip: the samples are not just around on weekends, when the crowds make me want to shank someone. I was just at Costco on a Tuesday afternoon and there were delicious samples galore.

Socks: The clothing items are usually fairly atrocious but my favorite lounging socks ever are from Costco. I don’t remember what brand they are, but refer to the photo and if you see these, scoop them up by the bushel. Oh so warm and cozy.

Buy these immediately

Buy these immediately

Healthy food items: Of course there are fatty treats galore, like the horrifying frozen cheeseburgers my mom used to ply me and my sister with, but there are good deals on healthier, less processed stuff too. I always look for Amy’s and other organic frozen meal options, an organic frozen berry blend that I put in smoothies, Laughing Cow cheese, organic whole-wheat pasta, and organic nut butter.

Kale/quinoa/almond. So trendy! Processed but the ingredients are minimal and non chemical.

Organic, kale/quinoa/almond. So trendy! Processed but no weird chemicals.

10 Year Reunion Fun and Shopping FAIL

I have returned from my husband’s 10 year high school reunion unscathed.  There were two main freaky moments that stood out: 1. Some guy who said he worked for the boy scouts (chimo!) 2. Some chick wearing an all-denim romper. Interesting choice of attire…But other than these two incidents of awk, it wasn’t really that painful. My ten year reunion in AZ over Thanksgiving may be another story, stay tuned…

 Oh, and I broke my no-shopping resolution. TO BUY A ROMPER, OH THE IRONY. But it was (is) a $12 Forever 21 romper and NOT denim. And this went down in PDX so no sales tax, ha ha. So my little slip up wasn’t too egregious.

Am I insane?

I’ve made a major, earth shattering decision that will completely change the rest of my summer. No more shopping until Fall! Now that I type it, it doesn’t seem THAT insane since this is Seattle and fall will probably be here in about two weeks, not that winter/spring ever really left in the first place for more than a couple fleeting days at a time…

I DO tend to shop a lot though and in an attempt shared by my darling husband and I to actually start saving money for the first time in either of our lives, I am temporarily swearing off the shopping.  This will mean avoiding my typical shopping achilles heels: Zappos, Forever 21 (not linking, they are kind of evil after all), Bluefly, etc. etc. I also tend to read a BL of fashion blogs (shoutout to Man Repeller, my fave as of late) though they do tend to feature high end designer shizz I mostly can’t afford, anyway.

So the million dollar question is, does my recent discovery Rent the Runway count?? Rented this Herve Leger number for a wedding and while in retrospect it was maybe a bit hoochified for the occasion, I’m kind of obsessed:

Anyway, we shall see how this goes. Hopefully it makes fall shopping really purposeful and fun a la back to school shopping in days of yore.