Holiday Detox Tea

The holidays are upon us. As such, some of us may experience occasional instances of slight overconsumption*. No judgment here! I’m usually feeling rather gouty by the time Jan 1 rolls around, myself.

If you do overeat/drink and feel gross, I recommend this tea. It’s my take on a few different variations of detox tea I’ve seen around, including one found at Seattle’s most delightful tea shop, Remedy. I usually start stress eating to warm up for the holidays by mid October, so I’ve been drinking this shit for months.



Here is how I make it. This stains like a mofo so be careful.

*Roman emperor style binges that seem to last for days on end.

Detox Tea

This is full of good shit. Lemons are a diuretic (aka they will debloat you), turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon does something good I am now forgetting, and ginger settles your stomach and aids digestion. You can also make this in larger batches to mix with your choice warm or cold milk product, kinda like chai.

Serves 1-2

  • ½ to 1 inch ish fresh ginger, grated or thinly sliced
  • Cinnamon, 1-2 sticks or a vigorous shaking’s worth (1 tsp ish I would guess)
  • Turmeric, about the same amount as cinnamon
  • Juice o’ one lemon
  • Optional: dash or so cayenne depending on how much of a spiciness badass you are

Pour some v. hot water over the ingredients and let steep for about 5 minutes, then strain into a mug. Stir in some honey to taste.